My Projects

March 2021

FPGA Algorithm

Histogram equalization algorithm on FPGA

The purpose of the project is to make a hardware component that performs an equalization algorithm of the histogram of an image, designed to recalibrate the contrast of the input image by distributing the intensity values of the pixels over a wider range. The component implements a revised version of this method, where the input images are represented as a sequence of integer values that represent the intensity on a grayscale of the pixels.

Find out more on the GitHub.

Main technologies used: Vivado, VHDL, Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA

April 2021

Multiplayer Online Board Game - MOBG

Digital implementation of Masters of Renaissance, a board game from Cranio Creator

The project consists of the implementation of the board game Masters of Renaissance as a distributed system composed by a server, handling multiple matches, and multiple clients who can connect to the server to play matches either with other players or by themselves (facing an automated opponent and following different rules). This was achieved by adopting the Model-View-Controller pattern and using remote connection through sockets. The game can be played either with command lines through a terminal or a modern graphic interface.

Find out more on the GitHub.

Main technologies used: Java, Maven, JavaFx

September 2021

Amazon Alexa in a healthy environment

ALEXA and engagement management for people with cognitive impairment

The project consists of creating an interface designed to offer a support service to people with cognitive impairment through the use of the Amazon Alexa voice assistant, thus allowing such people to maintain their independence.

Find out more on the GitHub.

Main technologies used: Express.js, Json Web Token, Handlebars.js, Amazon Proactive Events API

May 2021

Highly Efficient GraphRanker Algorithm

GraphRanker Algorithm write in C

The project consists of the creation and implementation of an algorithm that finds the best k graphs in input.

Find out more on the GitHub.

Main technologies used: C11, IDE: CLion